Ruby Poached Pears with Berry Sauce

Ruby Poached Pears with Berry SauceGifts from the Gods

As far back as the 8th century BC, the Greek poet Homer recognized pears as “gifts from the Gods.” Colored green, yellow, brown, red, speckled or rosy blushed; pears are one of the most glorious of fall and winter fruits Continue reading Ruby Poached Pears with Berry Sauce

Winter Squash Soup w/ Apple & Ginger

Winter Squash Soup w/ Apple & GingerMmmm Mmmm . . . An Ideal Soup for Winter & Fall

What a nurturing and delicious soup! Yesterday when I felt a bit under the weather, the winter squash we picked up at the market the day before were calling to me. By combining the best of a few different recipes, I came up with a great recipe to share with you. A most glorious, quick, healthy (vegan, gluten and dairy-free), rich, satisfying Continue reading Winter Squash Soup w/ Apple & Ginger

Lemon Curd with Meyer Lemons

Meyer Lemon Curd, Shortbread, Coulis, Blackberries (c) jfhaugen

A Beautiful and Most Luscious New Year’s Dessert

“If Cézanne had lived not in France but in Southern California, his still lifes would have overflowed with Meyer lemons. Plump, smooth-skinned, colored an unmistakable dark yellow—canary yellow, the color of egg yolks or the sun at noon—they’re sweeter than other lemons, with an intoxicating aroma that has hints of honey and thyme.” Continue reading Lemon Curd with Meyer Lemons

Sugar Plums

Sugar Plums (c) jfhaugen

Everything Sweet and Delectable and Lovely

“The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads;”

Haven’t you always wondered what those children were seeing? Sugar plums must be something most wonderful, but what are they (and, as I love to cook, how do I make them)? Continue reading Sugar Plums

Fig Black Olive Walnut Tapenade

Fig, Black Olive &Walnut Tapenade Ingredients (c) jfhaugen

Healthful & Delicious Holiday Hors d’Oeuvres

“May the Calendar Keep Bringing
Happy Holidays To You.”

As the calendar brings us closer to Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa, so it also brings happy holidays with an increase in parties and gatherings from now until New Year’s Day. With more and more of us eating cleaner and healthier diets, there also comes a quandary around the holidays—what to prepare and what to eat that is both healthful and delicious Continue reading Fig Black Olive Walnut Tapenade

Cranberry Apple Crostata

Cranberry Apple Crostata Ready for the Oven (c) jfhaugen

A Perfect Holiday Dessert

Not too tart and not too sweet,
A most delicious tea-time treat.
Easy to please and quick to depart,
A rustic, holiday open-faced tart.

I’ve wanted to prepare a Cranberry Apple Crostata (“a rustic, holiday open-faced tart”) Continue reading Cranberry Apple Crostata

Watercress, Belgian Endive & Pear Salad with Goat Cheese, Shallot-Mustard Vinaigrette & Maple-Glazed Walnuts

Watercress, Endive, Pear Glazed Walnut Salad w/ Shallot Mustard Vinaigrette “There are only ten minutes in the life of a pear when it is perfect to eat.”      ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Well, maybe 15 minutes, but those are sacred minutes for eating a pear. Its texture becomes velvety, moist and glistens in the light. And its luscious, heavenly fragrance and  flavor are the essence of “pearness.” Continue reading Watercress, Belgian Endive & Pear Salad with Goat Cheese, Shallot-Mustard Vinaigrette & Maple-Glazed Walnuts