Crispy Nuts for Happy Guts

Crispy NutsGuest Post by Rebekah Mocerino & Kaelin Kiesel-Germann

Do you love nuts? Is the feeling mutual? Or do nuts cause you digestive distress or “belly bedlam” as we like to call it. There is no doubt that nuts are an extremely nutritious snack. But did you know that nuts by nature are designed to give you tummy trouble? Continue reading Crispy Nuts for Happy Guts

Chestnut Wild Mushroom Bisque with Cashew Cream

Chestnut Wild Mushroom Bisque with Cashew CreamCelebrate the New Year with a Bowl of Auspicious Soup

Elegant, rich and velvety Chestnut Wild Mushroom Bisque is most auspicious. Prepared with such treasured ingredients as chestnuts, wild mushrooms and cashews, each bowl symbolizes longevity, prosperity, mastery and success in hard times. Truly a most perfect holiday soup for celebrating the New Year 2013. Continue reading Chestnut Wild Mushroom Bisque with Cashew Cream

Quinoa Patties w/ Herbs & Sweet Potato for a Vegetarian Thanksgiving

Herbed Sweet Potato Quinoa Patties for a Vegetarian Thanksgiving Quinoa Patties w/ Herbs, Sweet Potato and Shiitake Gravy

Whether you want a Thanksgiving dinner without turkey or have vegetarian or vegan guests who do, try Quinoa Patties w/ Herbs and Sweet Potato. They even taste like Thanksgiving Continue reading Quinoa Patties w/ Herbs & Sweet Potato for a Vegetarian Thanksgiving

Roasted Buttercup Squash Soup — Easy, Vegan

Roasted Buttercup Squash Soup w/ Leeks, Fresh Rosemary & ThymeRoasted Buttercup Squash Soup—Deeply Nurturing, Richly Textured

It was a dark and stormy late summer morning. The wind was blowing the blinds and clanging the chimes. We turned the heat on for the first time in months. Soup, hot comforting soup Continue reading Roasted Buttercup Squash Soup — Easy, Vegan

Jade Salad w/ Broccoli, Snow Peas, Sugar Snaps & Sobas

Jade Salad w/ Broccoli, Snow Peas, Sugar Snaps & SobasOne Lucky Duckling

A mallard duck made her nest just under my office window aside our delphiniums. She sat patiently for a month. We only saw her move to adjust her position. Each day I would stop and look Continue reading Jade Salad w/ Broccoli, Snow Peas, Sugar Snaps & Sobas

Arugula Pesto

Arugula Pesto RigatoniSummer’s First Pesto

Arugula grows so beautifully in our tiny garden. During the cooler spring weather it grows into a compact, deep green plant with many long leaves. As soon as the warm weather hits Continue reading Arugula Pesto

Raw Kale Cabbage Jicama Salad

Raw Kale, Cabbage & Jicama Slaw To Market, To Market to Buy Some Fresh Greens
Home Again, Home Again for Salad it Seems

Greens were certainly the stars at yesterday’s farmers’ market—everything from mustard greens to arugula, green garlic to lettuce, spinach to kale. I came home with a most beautiful Continue reading Raw Kale Cabbage Jicama Salad