Spicy Peanut Sauce

Birthday Candles (c) rbmascariA Most Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Delicious 2012 to All!

New Year’s Day was quite special this year as we celebrated a milestone birthday for my husband with a small gathering of friends. Although small, it’s not in my make up to have a simple party Continue reading Spicy Peanut Sauce

Fig Black Olive Walnut Tapenade

Fig, Black Olive &Walnut Tapenade Ingredients (c) jfhaugen

Healthful & Delicious Holiday Hors d’Oeuvres

“May the Calendar Keep Bringing
Happy Holidays To You.”

As the calendar brings us closer to Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa, so it also brings happy holidays with an increase in parties and gatherings from now until New Year’s Day. With more and more of us eating cleaner and healthier diets, there also comes a quandary around the holidays—what to prepare and what to eat that is both healthful and delicious Continue reading Fig Black Olive Walnut Tapenade

Crispy Kale Chips

Crispy Kale Chips (c) jfhaugen

Hail to Kale from Fall to Spring and Every Month In Between

My first introduction to kale occurred when as a caterer in the 80’s we used it as a sturdy and colorful garnish for some of our buffet platters. We also threw it away at the end of each event, because in those days no one we knew actually ate kale. Continue reading Crispy Kale Chips