Triple-Delish Cranberry Sauce

Triple Delish Cranberry SaucePass the Cranberries, Please

The tart and tangy flavor of cranberries provides a festive counterpoint to the rich and savory turkey, stuffing and gravy. Their glossy and glorious redness brightens an otherwise Continue reading Triple-Delish Cranberry Sauce

Roasted Orange Bell Pepper Sauce w/ Black Pasta

A Cored Yellow Pepper (c) jfhaugenIt’s Halloween

With everything ’round us orange and black,
in the holiday spirit here’s a dish to match.

Halloween recipes seem to be about sweets and treats or blood sausage Black Pasta (c) jfhaugenand offal. So I want to get this post up quickly so you’ll have something more balanced and less intimidating Continue reading Roasted Orange Bell Pepper Sauce w/ Black Pasta

Pesto Genovese

Pesto Genovese (c) jfhaugen“Money can’t buy love, but it can buy pesto.”

This anonymous quote says it all—pesto is love itself. I admit to sometimes taking a spoon to my jar of homemade pesto and eating it plain, savoring the complexity of flavor and texture from the basil to the garlic to the nuts to the cheese to the velvetiness of the olive oil. Continue reading Pesto Genovese