Rhubarb Strawberry Sorbet

Rhubarb Strawberry Sorbet – Richly Flavored, Creamy TexturedLight ‘n Luscious Rhubarb Strawberry Sorbet – Refreshing as Spring

I started out making rhubarb strawberry granita. Forgetting that granita should be a “semi-frozen” dessert, I tasted it when it was just short of being solidly frozen. The icy, crystallized flakes of crimson fruit brought sighs of disappointment. Fortunately they also inspired creativity. Continue reading Rhubarb Strawberry Sorbet

Rice Pudding for Wesak

Rice Pudding for Wesak Celebrating Wesak w/ Rice Pudding – Buddha’s Pudding

Could there be a more comforting or welcoming dessert than rice pudding? When made with sushi rice or arborio rice, it becomes especially thick and luscious. Rice pudding has been on my mind of late, as Wesak is here. Continue reading Rice Pudding for Wesak

Roasted Glazed Carrots

Roasted Glazed CarrotsTart, Sweet, Savory and Spicy Roasted Glazed Carrots

Vegetables like asparagus and tomatoes naturally take center stage. Not so with carrots. True, they add color to vegetable and dip platters. Yet they usually sit mostly untouched throughout the party. I can’t even remember the last time I served Continue reading Roasted Glazed Carrots

Creamy Tomato Soup w/ Almond Cream

Creamy Tomato Soup w/ Almond Cream – Gluten-free, Vegan Creamy Tomato Soup — Winter/Spring Recipe w/ Canned Tomatoes

An unexpected package arrived from my sister in Arizona. Removing the bubble wrap revealed a large can of Italian San Marzano tomatoes. I’ve read and heard about these tomatoes for years, though never tasted them. With a light spring rain outside and colder temperatures in the forecast, soup was on my mind. And that can of tomatoes began calling my name. Continue reading Creamy Tomato Soup w/ Almond Cream

Giardiniera – Your Next Favorite Ferment

Giardiniera Your Next Favorite FermentJar-dhi-nair-ah – Italian Pickled Vegetables

So much news lately regarding kimchi—Korea’s super tasty, super healthy, naturally fermented national dish. I’ve recently shared a recipe for White Kimchi with you. Then two recipes featuring kimchi: a tempting Kimchi Fried Rice and a light and satisfying Kimchi Omelet.Today, however, you’re meeting your new favorite ferment, giardiniera.

Continue reading Giardiniera – Your Next Favorite Ferment

Winter Vegetable Tagine aka Moroccan Winter Vegetable Stew

Winter Vegetable Tagine (Moroccan Winter Vegetable Stew)Tagine – Slow-Cooked Stew & Cone-Shaped Ceramic Pot

After a mid-winter week of 40+ degree temperatures, we had snow yesterday. With more snow forecast for the rest of the week, seems like winter’s still here. Thus today’s a perfect opportunity to share this hearty, bone-warming and vegan Winter Vegetable Tagine Continue reading Winter Vegetable Tagine aka Moroccan Winter Vegetable Stew

Fermentation Workshops – March 23rd & 30th

Fermentation Workshops – March 23rd and 30thHealthy Cooking Classes in Bozeman

Create delicious and probiotic-rich fermented foods in your own kitchen. Explore the how-to techniques, equipment and basics of vegetable fermentation in my upcoming fermentation workshops. Taste a variety of fermented foods from beverages to condiments Continue reading Fermentation Workshops – March 23rd & 30th