Delicata Squash w/ Maple Balsamic Pomegranate Glaze

Delicata Squash w/ Maple Balsamic Pomegranate GlazeDelicata Squash – A No-Fuss Winter Squash

Delicata squash, a great sweet-tasting, no-fuss winter squash gets star treatment in today’s recipe. Dressed in a beautifully caramelized gown of maple syrup, balsamic vinegar and pomegranate molasses, these dainty rounds are bejeweled Continue reading Delicata Squash w/ Maple Balsamic Pomegranate Glaze

Peperonata — Bold & Versatile Italian Stewed Sweet Peppers

Peperonata — Bold & Versatile Italian Stewed Sweet PeppersPeperonata — Appetizer, Side Dish, Pasta Sauce, Pizza Topping, Omelet Filling, etc.

“They look like worms.” Though, after one bite, Paul’s opinion changed to, “Delicious!” There’s nothing else quite like the sweet and savory taste of Peperonata. This colorful blend of sweet peppers stewed Continue reading Peperonata — Bold & Versatile Italian Stewed Sweet Peppers

Chocolate Pudding — Rich, Luscious, Vegan & Gluten-Free

Rich & Luscious Chocolate Pudding –Vegan, Gluten-FreeChocolate Pudding That’s Almost Too Good to Be True

“The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
By a small sample we may judge of the whole piece.”

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Chocolate Pudding epitomizes comfort food. That a vegan, gluten-free and healthy Continue reading Chocolate Pudding — Rich, Luscious, Vegan & Gluten-Free

Carrot Top Soup — Nothing Gets Thrown Away

Carrot Top Soup — Nothing Gets Thrown AwayCarrot Top Soup w/ Carrots & Their Lacy Leaves

You can certainly tell a book by its cover when you’re talking about carrots. The freshness of the carrot tops reveals the freshness of the carrots. Given the choice, I always choose Continue reading Carrot Top Soup — Nothing Gets Thrown Away

Roasted Buttercup Squash Soup — Easy, Vegan

Roasted Buttercup Squash Soup w/ Leeks, Fresh Rosemary & ThymeRoasted Buttercup Squash Soup—Deeply Nurturing, Richly Textured

It was a dark and stormy late summer morning. The wind was blowing the blinds and clanging the chimes. We turned the heat on for the first time in months. Soup, hot comforting soup Continue reading Roasted Buttercup Squash Soup — Easy, Vegan

Slow-Roasted Tomatoes — The Essence of Summer

Slow-Roasted Tomatoes—The Essence of SummerPreserve Summer’s Bounty w/ Slow-Roasted Tomatoes

Thirty-two degrees on the temperature gauge this morning. We fortunately took the time last night to cover the garden and all our containers of flowers and herbs Continue reading Slow-Roasted Tomatoes — The Essence of Summer

Classic Guacamole — Fresh, Chunky, Flavorful

Classic Guacamole—Fresh, Chunky, FlavorfulClassic Guacamole for Celebrating National Guacamole Day!

I kept questioning my decision. Why am I sharing a recipe for classic guacamole in September? We still have so many ripe and ripening tomatoes Continue reading Classic Guacamole — Fresh, Chunky, Flavorful