Creamy Miso Soup w/ Veggies, Greens & Soba Noodles — Home Version

Creamy Miso Soup w/ Vegetables, Greens & Soba Noodles (c) jfhaugenCook Once, Eat Thrice!

Soup can be great for breakfast. On cooler mornings when I have an Japanese Symbol for Healthextra half hour or so, this Creamy Miso Soup is my choice. And then my husband Paul and I continue to appreciate the seemingly endless Continue reading Creamy Miso Soup w/ Veggies, Greens & Soba Noodles — Home Version

Quick Black Bean, Tomato & Corn Soup

Black Bean Soup (c) jfhaugenMama Said There’d Be Days Like This

You know the kind of days I’m referring to when you want something quick and comforting and you want it now. That was how I felt the other night. It was already past our dinner time and I was hungry Continue reading Quick Black Bean, Tomato & Corn Soup

Curried Red Lentil & Sweet Potato Soup

Curried Red Lentil & Sweet Potato Soup (c) jfhaugen“Do you have a kinder, more adaptable friend in the food world than soup? Who soothes you when you are ill? Who refuses to leave you when you are impoverished and stretches its resources to give a hearty sustenance and cheer? Who warms you in the winter Continue reading Curried Red Lentil & Sweet Potato Soup

Roasted Vegetable & Lentil Salad

Roasted Vegetable & Lentil Salad (c) jfhaugen

Good Fortune & Good Health in 2012!

The truism to be mindful of what we eat is especially important on and around New Year’s Day, as it may affect our fortunes throughout the year. So goes the thought and traditions of many cultures around the world regarding which foods to eat and which to avoid. Certain foods, such as legumes and leafy greens Continue reading Roasted Vegetable & Lentil Salad

Salmon or Corn & Potato Chowder w/ Saffron Broth & Almond Cream

Corn & Potato Chowder (c) jfhaugen

Christmas Eve Chowder

Chowder is ideal for Christmas Eve dinner especially after we’ve all had a number of busy weeks since even before Thanksgiving. Whether it is white or red, with seafood, clams, fish or vegetables, chowder “breathes reassurance…and offers consolation.” Continue reading Salmon or Corn & Potato Chowder w/ Saffron Broth & Almond Cream

Fig Black Olive Walnut Tapenade

Fig, Black Olive &Walnut Tapenade Ingredients (c) jfhaugen

Healthful & Delicious Holiday Hors d’Oeuvres

“May the Calendar Keep Bringing
Happy Holidays To You.”

As the calendar brings us closer to Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa, so it also brings happy holidays with an increase in parties and gatherings from now until New Year’s Day. With more and more of us eating cleaner and healthier diets, there also comes a quandary around the holidays—what to prepare and what to eat that is both healthful and delicious Continue reading Fig Black Olive Walnut Tapenade

Country-Style Leek & Potato Soup

Leek & Potato Soup (c) jfhaugen

Soup, Beautiful Soup

Warm and comforting soup really is beautiful, especially now that the weather has become cooler (and as I look out my office window, snowy as well). Soup can also be extremely healthy as it is so easy to digest and almost all the nutrients stay in the broth. Continue reading Country-Style Leek & Potato Soup