Radish Soup for Spring – Refreshing, Flavorful & Rosy-Hued

Radish Soup for Spring – Refreshing, Flavorful & Rosy-HuedRadish Soup – The Essence of Spring

An engaging photo of a four-year-old French boy eating an open-faced radish sandwich has lingered in my memory for many years. The photo by Mark Kauffman (©1968 Time, Inc) in the Time Life Book The Cooking of Provincial France introduced me to eating radishes Continue reading Radish Soup for Spring – Refreshing, Flavorful & Rosy-Hued

Corona Beans and Greens – Giant Creamy Luxurious Beans

Corona Beans and Greens – Giant Creamy Luxurious BeansCorona Beans and Greens – Prepare to be Astounded by these Beans

My huge dried, white corona beans arrived last Wednesday. Even larger and more gorgeous than I thought they’d be. And once cooked, oh my. I couldn’t wait to try them. So exceptional in appearance, taste, texture and size. With a swirl of baby super greens and a grating of Pecorino, Corona Beans and Greens became dinner. Continue reading Corona Beans and Greens – Giant Creamy Luxurious Beans

Chirashizushi – Scattered Sushi

Chirashizushi – Scattered SushiChirashizushi – Version 2, February 2015

Over the past month my Chirashi Sushi recipe, published almost three years ago, received lots of attention. However, I reviewed and revised that recipe for last Saturday’s Japanese cooking class. And I now want to share the updated version with you as well. Including the change of name. It’s more accurately called Chirashizushi. Continue reading Chirashizushi – Scattered Sushi

Nashi Pearls & Mandarins (Asian Pears & Tangerines)

Nashi Pearls & Mandarins (Asian Pears & Tangerines)Nashi Pearls – Luscious, Light & Lovely

What a challenge I gave myself. Coming up with a dessert for this Saturday’s Flavors of Japan cooking class wasn’t easy. Classic Japanese meals usually end on a savory rather than sweet note. Although sweets are loved in Japan, they’re more likely to be served with tea in the afternoon. Continue reading Nashi Pearls & Mandarins (Asian Pears & Tangerines)

Quinoa Couscous – Lighter, Fluffier, Tastier

Quinoa Couscous – Lighter, Fluffier, Tastier A Better Way to Cook Quinoa – Quinoa Couscous

After so many years of making and eating quinoa, it’s rather unbelievable that there just might be a better way to cook it. I’ve become a believer. Lighter, fluffier, tastier quinoa than we ever knew possible. I’m guessing you’ll be equally pleased once you taste quinoa made this new way Continue reading Quinoa Couscous – Lighter, Fluffier, Tastier

Blueberry Toasted Pecan Pancakes with Chunky Applesauce

Blueberry Toasted Pecan Pancakes with Chunky ApplesauceBlueberry Toasted Pecan Pancakes – Light, Fluffy & Gluten-Free

By golly, I did it! And now you, too, can make these light, fluffy and very tasty gluten-free Blueberry Toasted Pecan Pancakes. Just last week I shared my disappointment with you. Replacing the whole wheat flour with a very high-end gluten-free flour mix made pancakes so awful Continue reading Blueberry Toasted Pecan Pancakes with Chunky Applesauce

Parsley Farro Salad w/ Red Pepper, Cashews & Feta

Parsley Farro Salad with Red Pepper, Cashews & FetaParsley Farro Salad – Variation on a Theme of Tabouli

With an abundance of vibrant green and nutrient-rich flat leaf and curly parsley still growing in our garden, I wanted to try something new. Leafing through Ottolenghi and Tamimi’s Jerusalem, I found my answer. Their Parsley & Barley Salad, a fall variation on tabouli, called for lots of parsley. Continue reading Parsley Farro Salad w/ Red Pepper, Cashews & Feta