Fermentation Workshop this Saturday, March 30th — Register Today!

Fermentation Workshop this Saturday, March 30th — Register Today

Fermentation Workshop this Saturday, March 30th — Register Today! Fermentation Workshop Received Rave Reviews

“What a delightful, informative time spent learning about fermentation. The White Kimchi with Black Fried Rice and Poached Egg was delicious…the fig jam (so creamy, yummy), Giardiniera, crispy nuts, on and on, all the delicious fermented Fermentation Workshop this Saturday, March 30th — Register Today!foods which I could eat all day, every day. Thanks so much for a most wonderful experience. Being a visual learner, I now feel quite confident in attempting to make these healthy recipes.”  TS

The March 30th Fermentation Workshop in Bozeman, Montana is full. If you are interested in participating in a future fermentation workshop, please let me know.

Register today. Send me an email to reserve your seat Janice@EverydayHealthyEverydayDelicious.com

  • Be proactive – take greater responsibility for your health and the health of your family
  • Explore the traditional art of lactic-fermentation
    • Protection, Temperature, Time, Food
  • Experience Kvass, Giardineira, Country-Style Mustard, White Kimchi, Fig Jam, etc.
  • Lunch on Kimchi Fried Rice w/ Black Rice, Greens & Poached Eggs
  • Prepare your own White Kimchi to ferment at home

                I look forward to seeing you on Saturday, March 30, 10:30-2:30, $60        

Register Now. Send me an email to reserve your seat Janice@EverydayHealthyEverydayDelicious.com

“Thank you again, Janice, for all the work and preparation you did. The workshop flowed from one recipe to the next. It is a joy to watch you prepare the food, keeping a running dialogue, and answering questions all done with grace and humor.”