Savory Zucchini Pancakes w/ Garden Herbs

Savory Zucchini Pancakes w Parsley, Basil, Scallions & ThymeGarden Bountiful

What to do? You’ve got a veritable zucchini factory growing in your garden or perhaps a CSA box with an over-abundance of summer squash, and you’re rather tired of the same old, same old. Savory Zucchini Pancakes made with lots of fresh and fragrant herbs Continue reading Savory Zucchini Pancakes w/ Garden Herbs

Tabouli Salad w/ Quinoa, Avocado & Feta

Tabouli w/ Quinoa, Avocado & FetaA Tabouli Salad Garden

We grow a tabouli salad garden. Our small square-foot garden contains 4 early ripening tomato plants, 6 curly parsley, 2 flat-leaf parsley, about a hundred scallions and 4 large pots of spearmint. Some years we have success with cucumbers Continue reading Tabouli Salad w/ Quinoa, Avocado & Feta

Sun-Dried Tomato & Greek Olive Tapenade

Sundried Tomato Greek Olive TapenadeThe One-Minute Appetizer

It doesn’t get much faster or easier than preparing this recipe for a boldly flavored Sun-Dried Tomato and Greek Olive Tapenade (ta-pen-AHD). Okay it may take a couple of minutes if you count the time for setting out some crackers Continue reading Sun-Dried Tomato & Greek Olive Tapenade

Fresh Herb & Wild Mushroom Bread Stuffing

Fresh Herb Wild Mushroom Stuffing/Dressing (c) jfhaugen

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme

Ah, the flavors and smells of Thanksgiving. They all come together in this traditional bread stuffing (or dressing)—surely one of the most important dishes on the Thanksgiving menu. Continue reading Fresh Herb & Wild Mushroom Bread Stuffing