Roasted Broccoli Pesto–Part 1 in a Series

Roasted Broccoli & Garlic (c) jfhaugenTo make poignant; to give zest, flavor or interest to;
to set off; to vary and render attractive.

A great definition of sauce from—and a most fitting description of pesto. But it’s still winter and my garden basil is a distant memory and a future dream. What is in abundance Continue reading Roasted Broccoli Pesto–Part 1 in a Series

Pesto Genovese

Pesto Genovese (c) jfhaugen“Money can’t buy love, but it can buy pesto.”

This anonymous quote says it all—pesto is love itself. I admit to sometimes taking a spoon to my jar of homemade pesto and eating it plain, savoring the complexity of flavor and texture from the basil to the garlic to the nuts to the cheese to the velvetiness of the olive oil. Continue reading Pesto Genovese