Miso Vegetable Soup w/ Shiitake, Kale & Soba — Camping Recipe

Miso Vegetable Soup w/ Shiitake Kale & Soba—Camping RecipeCamping, Dining & Hiking in Yellowstone National Park

Idyllic best describes our days of camping in Yellowstone Park. Our campsite had room for at least four tents. Lots of space lay between us and our tent-only neighbors from Germany, France and Minnesota. My outdoor kitchen Continue reading Miso Vegetable Soup w/ Shiitake, Kale & Soba — Camping Recipe

Crispy Zucchini Chips

Crispy Zucchini ChipsZucchini in the morning, zucchini in the evening, zucchini at supper time.
Crispy Zucchini Chips, you can eat them all the time.

Sung to the tune of Sugartime

Zucchini All the Time

Summer squash in all shapes and shades of green, yellow and gold Continue reading Crispy Zucchini Chips

Tabouli Salad w/ Quinoa, Avocado & Feta

Tabouli w/ Quinoa, Avocado & FetaA Tabouli Salad Garden

We grow a tabouli salad garden. Our small square-foot garden contains 4 early ripening tomato plants, 6 curly parsley, 2 flat-leaf parsley, about a hundred scallions and 4 large pots of spearmint. Some years we have success with cucumbers Continue reading Tabouli Salad w/ Quinoa, Avocado & Feta

My First Guest Post–Lavender Infused Honey Lemonade

Honey Lemonade Infused with Lavender“We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavoring and furniture polish is made from real lemons.”    Alfred E. Newman

Lavender Infused Honey Lemonade

Friday morning, July 20, 2012 at exactly 7:00 a.m. MDT, my first guest post goes public on Amy Green’s site Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free. Continue reading My First Guest Post–Lavender Infused Honey Lemonade

Chirashi Sushi—Sushi in a Bowl

ChirashiSushi--Sushi in a Bowl (c) jfhaugenFood Art Japanese Style

Beautiful and easy to make—a bowl of sushi rice topped with a number of lovingly prepared and artfully arranged ingredients. Chirashi is translated as “scattered,” Continue reading Chirashi Sushi—Sushi in a Bowl

Vegetarian Split Pea Soup

Green & Yellow Split Peas (c) jfhaugenThe Elusive Nature of Spring

Okay, it just came to me. I grew up in Southern California where spring was similar to summer just a bit cooler and with enough days of rain for months of beautiful flowers. I guess (even after 25 years) I haven’t yet adjusted to springtime in Montana where one day Continue reading Vegetarian Split Pea Soup

Tofu Almond Cream w/ Fresh Strawberries

Fresh Strawberries… and your heart be as soft as tofu.
~ From a Chinese Proverb

Fraise de bois
A number of summers ago I was hiking in the mountains near Yellowstone Park. I began to smell strawberries; I mean really smell strawberries, essence of strawberries Continue reading Tofu Almond Cream w/ Fresh Strawberries