Slow-Cooked Broccoli & Potato Soup

Broccoli Florets (c) jfhaugen

60 Minutes of Slow Cooking Makes the Difference

Broccoli soup can be delicious, though in days past perhaps it was the cream cheese and/or cheddar cheese that made it so. Plus, there was always a concern about cooking it quickly enough so that the color remained bright green and fresh tasting Continue reading Slow-Cooked Broccoli & Potato Soup

Orange & Almond Cake

Orange Almond Cake (c) jfhaugenHappy Valentine’s Day

Roses are red, violets are blue, honey is sweet and so are you!

A Cake for All Reasons . . .
Moist, luscious, gluten-free, honey-sweetened Orange & Almond Cake is a great birthday cake, an excellent tea cake, a cake for Valentine’s Day Continue reading Orange & Almond Cake

Ruby Poached Pears with Berry Sauce

Ruby Poached Pears with Berry SauceGifts from the Gods

As far back as the 8th century BC, the Greek poet Homer recognized pears as “gifts from the Gods.” Colored green, yellow, brown, red, speckled or rosy blushed; pears are one of the most glorious of fall and winter fruits Continue reading Ruby Poached Pears with Berry Sauce

Winter Squash Soup w/ Apple & Ginger

Winter Squash Soup w/ Apple & GingerMmmm Mmmm . . . An Ideal Soup for Winter & Fall

What a nurturing and delicious soup! Yesterday when I felt a bit under the weather, the winter squash we picked up at the market the day before were calling to me. By combining the best of a few different recipes, I came up with a great recipe to share with you. A most glorious, quick, healthy (vegan, gluten and dairy-free), rich, satisfying Continue reading Winter Squash Soup w/ Apple & Ginger

Creamy Miso Soup w/ Veggies, Greens & Soba Noodles — Home Version

Creamy Miso Soup w/ Vegetables, Greens & Soba Noodles (c) jfhaugenCook Once, Eat Thrice!

Soup can be great for breakfast. On cooler mornings when I have an Japanese Symbol for Healthextra half hour or so, this Creamy Miso Soup is my choice. And then my husband Paul and I continue to appreciate the seemingly endless Continue reading Creamy Miso Soup w/ Veggies, Greens & Soba Noodles — Home Version

Chicken Soup — Good for What Ails You

Chicken Soup (c) jfhaugenA Simple Reminder

So much has been written about Chicken Soup that little more than a simple reminder of its healing properties along with a delicious recipe may be all that are necessary. I’ve refined this recipe over many years Continue reading Chicken Soup — Good for What Ails You

Spicy Peanut Sauce

Birthday Candles (c) rbmascariA Most Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Delicious 2012 to All!

New Year’s Day was quite special this year as we celebrated a milestone birthday for my husband with a small gathering of friends. Although small, it’s not in my make up to have a simple party Continue reading Spicy Peanut Sauce