Linzer Thumbprint Cookies – Sweetened w/ Honey

Linzer Thumbprint CookiesTasty & Healthier Linzer Thumbprint Cookies for Holiday Giving

Cookies top my list of homemade holiday gifts for family and friends. Over the last few days I’ve created a gluten-free Linzer Thumbprint Cookie from the dough of one of the world’s great desserts, the Linzertorte. That their crisp, nutty texture, buttery and lightly-spiced flavor gets even better after a couple of days Continue reading Linzer Thumbprint Cookies – Sweetened w/ Honey

Chocolate Pudding — Rich, Luscious, Vegan & Gluten-Free

Rich & Luscious Chocolate Pudding –Vegan, Gluten-FreeChocolate Pudding That’s Almost Too Good to Be True

“The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
By a small sample we may judge of the whole piece.”

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Chocolate Pudding epitomizes comfort food. That a vegan, gluten-free and healthy Continue reading Chocolate Pudding — Rich, Luscious, Vegan & Gluten-Free

Rhubarb Apple ‘n Ginger Crisp

Rhubarb Apple 'n Ginger Crisp Memories of Grandma Mame

More often than not, when people talk about rhubarb the word grandma comes up in the conversation.

I first tasted rhubarb, stewed rhubarb actually, many years ago in my Grandma Continue reading Rhubarb Apple ‘n Ginger Crisp

Tofu Almond Cream w/ Fresh Strawberries

Fresh Strawberries… and your heart be as soft as tofu.
~ From a Chinese Proverb

Fraise de bois
A number of summers ago I was hiking in the mountains near Yellowstone Park. I began to smell strawberries; I mean really smell strawberries, essence of strawberries Continue reading Tofu Almond Cream w/ Fresh Strawberries

Coconut Macaroons — Honey-Sweetened, Gluten-Free & Easy!

Coconut Macaroons (c) jfhaugen“My New Favorite Cookie”

We all know classic macaroons as small, chewy cookies composed chiefly of egg whites, sugar, ground almonds or finely shredded coconut. Some of us may even know about the multicolored modern-day macaroons that often include food coloring Continue reading Coconut Macaroons — Honey-Sweetened, Gluten-Free & Easy!

Spiced Oranges & Spiced Orange Syrup

Spiced Oranges (c)jfhaugenOrange You Glad It’s Time for Dessert?

Growing up in Southern California, always available sweet, ripe oranges were a way of life and completely taken for granted. I gave them nary a thought until I moved to London to attend the Cordon Bleu. Oh my! Small, green and sour were the only “oranges” around. Continue reading Spiced Oranges & Spiced Orange Syrup

CranAppleNut Muffins—Gluten-Free or Not

Cranapplenut Muffins (c) jfhaugenGot Cranberries?

Wahoo, here’s a great recipe for you if you remembered to freeze a bag or two of fresh cranberries last November or December. CranAppleNut Muffins are delicious. They have always been one of my favorites—even more so now that I’ve perfected a gluten-free Continue reading CranAppleNut Muffins—Gluten-Free or Not